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Drinking Water Week 2024

Zeeland Board of Public Works (Zeeland BPW) enthusiastically invites the community to participate in Drinking Water Week. This fun-filled educational event will happen between May 4-11.

For more than 40 years the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and its members have celebrated Drinking Water Week to educate the public about the importance and availability of safe drinking water.

This year, Zeeland BPW is proud to partner with the Howard Miller Public Library on this fun-filled, educational event. Toddlers and lower elementary students are encouraged to stop by the library and pick up their free goodie bags full of fun, water-focused activities and crafts during Drinking Water Week.

Students 4th-12th grade are invited to participate in a short essay contest on “ Why is safe drinking water important to our community?” The contest is open to 4th-12th grade students living in Zeeland and the immediately surrounding areas (age categories for judging will be Grades 4/5, Grades 6/7/8, Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12). Winners will be contacted by Tuesday, May 7, 2024, and invited to stop by Zeeland BPW’s offices to pick up their prize. For a full list of contest details and all other Water Week information please visit zeelandbpw.com/water-week.