The May 3rd Electric Franchise Agreement ballot proposal requests consideration for a renewal of the franchise agreement that was established in 1992. This 30-year agreement allows the Zeeland BPW to continue its mission of providing the Zeeland area residents safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible utility service at not-for-profit rates.
The current Electric Franchise Agreement confirmed in 1992 has reached its term of 30 years. The Board of Trustees for both Zeeland and Holland Charter Townships unanimously approved ordinances in December 2021 authorizing the renewal of the Zeeland BPW franchise. On May 3rd, Zeeland and Holland Charter Township residents have the opportunity to vote on this renewal.
Holland Charter Twp.
Shall the non-exclusive franchise granted for thirty (30) years by the Charter Township of Holland, County of Ottawa, State of Michigan, to the Zeeland Board of Public Works, its successors and assigns, for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, to use the highways, streets, alleys, bridges, waterways and other public places in the Township to construct, maintain, and commercially use electric lines, towers, masts, poles, cross arms, guys, braces, feeders, transmission and distribution wires, transformers, other electrical appliances, related telecommunications and data transmission facilities to transact a local electric business in the Township, all subject to the reasonable regulations as the Township Board shall prescribe from time to time, and subject to the Township’s Zeeland Board of Public Works Electric Franchise Ordinance, be confirmed?
Zeeland Charter Twp.
Shall the non-exclusive franchise granted for thirty (30) years by the Charter Township of Zeeland, County of Ottawa, State of Michigan, to the Zeeland Board of Public Works, its successors and assigns, for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, to use the highways, streets, alleys, bridges, waterways and other public places in the Township to construct, maintain, and commercially use electric lines, towers, masts, poles, cross arms, guys, braces, feeders, transmission and distribution wires, transformers, other electrical appliances, related telecommunications and data transmission facilities to transact a local electric business in the Township, all subject to the reasonable regulations as the Township Board shall prescribe from time to time, and subject to the Township’s Zeeland Board of Public Works Electric Franchise Ordinance, be confirmed?