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Water Flushing FAQ

Updated May 20, 2024

Zeeland, Michigan – Starting May 13 the Water Department will be valve-turning for customers in area 2 (indicated in the map below). This may cause some irregularities to occur in your home, but there should be no concerns. Below are some FAQs. A go-to recommendation if you experience any discolored water, air in your pipes, or spitting water is to flush cold water in your bathtub or outside facet. If the water does not clear up within 15 minutes, call our team to investigate further.

Q: Why does ZBPW have a valve turning Program/Unidirectional flushing Program?

A: Having a valve turning program for one is a State of Michigan EGLE Regulation. Exercising valves and flushing our watermains is important so we can make sure during an emergency  isolation valves work properly, the valves open direction is confirmed and logged into GIS (sometimes backward valves get installed into systems without the knowledge of the utility), and flushing the watermains allows for any sediment laying in the bottom of the watermain to be flushed out of the system through fire hydrants.

Q: My water is discolored or white colored and almost milky looking. Is it ok to drink?

A: Yes. The water aesthetically is not pleasing but is safe to drink. The milky look is caused by flushing the watermain during valve turning which causes air into our water system.

Q: My pipes inside my house are making noises and my faucet/toilet was just spitting water out when I turned it on after I saw them turning valves and flushing hydrants.

A: This is just air inside your pipes causing water hammer and the “spitting water” out of any connection water comes out in the house is still just air.