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M-F: 8am-4pm
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Electric Rates

Electric Rate Summary – Updated July 2023

Rate A: Residential

Rate B: General Secondary Service

Rate C: Secondary Rate – Energy & Demand

(Minimum kW: 60% of least 11 months or minimum of 5 kw = $55.00)

Rate D: Primary Rate

(Minimum kW: 60% of least 11 months or minimum of 25 kw = $250.00)

Rate E: Experimental Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rate

Rate EVC: Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rate

More Information

To view these and additional rates in more detail download the PDF below

Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment

The Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment permits the monthly adjustment of rates for the cost of energy incurred in supplying retail customers. All ZBPW rates are subject to the “Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment”. In applying the adjustment, the applicable rate per kWh shall be increased or decreased by the amount of the adjustment. Read more details in the rate sheet above.

Power Factor

If the average power factor during the billing period is .900 or higher, the capacity charge will be reduced by 2%. The credit shall not be used to reduce the minimum charge or the capacity charge when based upon 60% of the highest billing demand of the preceding 11 months.

If the average power factor during the billing period is less than .800, the capacity charge will be increased by the ratio between .800 and the customer’s average power factor during the billing period.

Energy Optimization Fee

The Energy Smart Program Fee is designed to recover ZBPW Energy Smart Program Plan program costs as allowed by law.

Rules & Regulations

To view a complete copy of the current Zeeland Board of Public Works Electric Rules and Regulations view the document below.

Rules & Regulations (updated 2023)