(616) 772-6212
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M-F: 8am-4pm
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(616) 772-2001
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Welcome to MyMeter

MyMeter is an easy-to-use online portal and mobile app for ZBPW customers. Once registered for MyMeter, you can review your energy usage, pay your bills, track billing and payment history, as well as additional customer tools.

Getting Started with MyMeter

All you need is your account number, name as it appears on your invoice, and email address for registration.

Watch this short video for help registering. 

Online MyMeter Portal Registration

  1. Click on the “MyMeter” button in the top right corner.
  2. On the next page, click on “Create an Account” and enter your information to register.

Tutorial Video

MyMeter is a very user-friendly portal and mobile app. Feel free to explore on your own or watch a tutorial below. The tutorial will answer the following questions: