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Residential Budget Signup Form

Budget sign up for 2025 has ended, stay tuned for the 2026 sign up starting in October.

Residential customers may sign up for the Budget Program in October through December. Accounts must be at least one year old and paid up to date in order to enroll.

Budget payments are equal to 110% of the average monthly bill. November is reconciliation month requiring all outstanding balances to be paid in full prior to continuing the program. Click on the link below to print a sign-up form. Completed forms are due to the BPW office by December 20.

Important Information:

Sign-Up Months
• Budget sign-up months are October, November, and December.
• A zero balance is required before establishing a Budget account.

How the Budget Amount Is Set
• We determine the average amount charged for each utility over the past twelve months.
• This average is then multiplied by 110% to establish the budget amount.

Reconciliation Month
• In November of each year accounts will be reconciled. The total balance owing on the account will be due. Credits will be carried forward and the new balance due will appear on the December billing statement.

• Budget payments are required each month by the due date. Failure to pay the budget amount each month will result in removal from the Budget Plan.
• Returned payments will be charged a $30.00 returned check fee and may result
in removal from the Budget Plan.

Budget Signup Form