(616) 772-6212
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M-F: 8am-4pm
Office Hours
(616) 772-2001
After Hours Emergency

Water Rules, Rates, & Connection Charges

A customer that commences and/or maintains service under any of the Zeeland Board of Public Works (ZBPW) water rate schedules hereby agrees to abide by all of the Zeeland Board of Public Works Rules and Regulations for Water Service, as may be amended by the Zeeland Board of Public Works from time to time.

The ZBPW may discontinue water service to any customer for any breach of the ZBPW’s Policy, Rules and Regulations, Procedures or in accordance with law. The customer must pay a reconnection fee as stated in Section VII-6 to cover the costs of restoring water service that has been discontinued for any breach of the ZBPW Policies, Rules and Regulations, Procedures or in accordance with law.

As a condition of service for tenants, information may be released by the Zeeland Board of Public Works to a current or former landlord of a tenant. In addition, tenants may be required to sign a release form which authorizes the Zeeland Board of Public Works to release information to landlords. The information which may be released shall include account information and personal information such as a forwarding address. New customers will be required to sign an “Authorization to Release Personal and Account Information” as shown in the “Rules and Regulations for Water Service.”

This document is intended to cover most situations where standardized policies and practices have been established. No agent or employee of ZBPW has the authority to waive or modify the provisions of this document unless specifically authorized to do so by the ZBPW Board of Commissioners. These Rules and Regulations may be amended as permitted by law.

To view a complete copy of the current Zeeland Board of Public Works Water Rules and Regulations select the file below:

Water Rules, Rates, & Connection Charges (Updated 2025)